Photo by AB Parker

Sustainable Packages

Here are some packages that might be up your alley. I’ll work with you to find something that meets your business needs.

Copywriting Service Packages

Copywriting Services- One & Done

  • SEO Optimized Blogs- 1,000 Words+ ~Starting at $250

    You need your clients and readers to be able to find you. You want more time to be free for your customers, your family, and other business tasks.

    You should have a stellar blog that builds trust, traffic, and inspires action to help save our environment.

  • SEO Optimized Website Copy- Starting at $300

    You’re looking to convert new customers and keep your loyal ones. You’re all about meaningful and sustainable relationships.

    Your website should encourage your reader to take action helping themselves, the Earth, and your business.

  • Email Sequence- Starting at $75 per email

    You want to build a relationship with your audience and spread good vibes. You aim to get your message directly to the people that matter-your sustainable VIPs.

    Your emails will also earn you more sales, yes please!

  • I write product descriptions for sustainable products.

    Product Descriptions- Starting at $50

    You want compelling descriptions for the green products you offer. You want the world to know how special your pieces are.

    Your products deserve copy that is succinct and sells.

See Bundle Prices!

See Bundle Prices! ⋆

Editing Services

  • Proofreading- 0.02/wd

    Want to make sure your idea is polished and ready to publish? That is the job of a proofreader. Proofreading consists of formatting, page layout, typos, headers, chapter/word styles, spelling, punctuation, and much more! Let’s get your work shiny and ready to print!

  • Copy Editing- 0.02/wd

    It all begins with an idea. Copy editing ensures your idea, your piece, is ready for its audience. Your document will be revised using the Chicago Manual of Style and be fact-checked, as well as checked for punctuation, spelling, word usage, style clarity, and much more!

  • Line editing- 0.04/wd

    Here your sentences and paragraphs will be checked for flow, tone, clarity and language. A line editor helps to tighten sentences which connects the reader with the text.

So what now?

I’m ready to see my business grow!

  1. Fill out the contact form: I will get back to you within 24 hours and schedule a short discovery call.

  2. Proposal: Within 24 hours you’ll receive a proposal and then I will get to work helping your business, the earth, and you!

  3. Research: I'll work closely with you to fully comprehend your brand's information, voice, tone, and messaging. I will continue my research to perfect your deliverables.

  4. Planning: I make sure to complete projects within certain time frames. (Reliable Turn-Around Time)

  5. Writing: Yay-the best part! Using the information I gather from you, your team, and my research, I will craft the first draft in Google Docs.

  6. Edits: All of my copywriting services include two rounds of edits, although you may not even need all of them (I was an editor first after all!) You are ready to continue changing the world for the better!

    “It’s not about what it is, it’s about what it can become.”- The Lorax